Friday, October 9, 2009

Fall from Grace

The gathering in Amarr is well underway. Imperial ships in all their Amarrian glory line up in formation. Comms crackle with anticipation about the imminent arrival of the CVA fleet. PIE pilots arrive in their best Golden Ships to show the flag. Empress Jamyl's anniversary is an event to remember.

I too sit in anticipation, but not on the line with my fellow PIE pilots. I'm in deep space. Combat logs flicker across the neural interface, ship types, CONCORD presence, formations... The firepower on this field is impressive. But I have learned to use confusion to my advantage, and it will be my cloak now.

I recall my last conversation with the fat man, my contact in Amamake...

"Got the Intel you wanted, Swatyy," the fat man said, pushing a note over the bar. "My contact says he's gonna be there."

I flip the note over, read it, and drop a black credit disc on the counter. I place the note over a candle on the bar. Flames consume the paper.

"You promised to be my undertaker," I say. "When it's done, they might come for me. If the worst happens, see my ashes are returned to Mi."

The fat man pockets the disc, and then leans close.

"Ya sure this is where you wanna do it, to kill a PIE officer?"

I smile sinisterly.

"It's perfect."


I'm pulled back to the present by a blinking indicator. Hiigaren is on the field, just undocked. I spring the trap. My warp drive comes alive and I fall 10 km from my fellow PIE pilot, my superior officer, my target. The hot-lock goes live, pulsing carronades slice into Hiigaren's Harbinger hull. The humming produced by the overheating lasers is musical; the multifrequency lights dancing upon my enemy is pure art. Space ripples in the flash, a blindingly bright explosion. I'm off the field.

It is a textbook strike and escape. Amarr local collectively gasps, but not because the CVA fleet honoring Jamyl just arrived. No, it's the razed and burning wreck outside the Emperor's station that has people talking. Shouts of "heretic!" and "terrorists!" are repeated over open comms, but no one knows what just happened. Confusion and fear grip the faithful who gathered for the celebration, as I jump out of the Amarr system.


"He's the traitor!" a man says to a guard as I pass, openly pointing.

"Don't worry, citizen. We are keeping an eye on him," the guard replies, eying me suspiciously.

I once found the brightly lit halls and tight security on the 24th Imperial Crusade station comforting, but not today. Word of my actions, my dishonoring the Empress by attacking a PIE officer, had spread across the front lines. Now I find myself in a place where there are no shadows to hide in, and armed loyalist guards are everywhere.

Whispers and hostile stares follow me. The guard at the Emperor's Corner, a gated community where I own a residence, checks twice for an arrest order before dropping my ID card rudely on the counter.

As I pass, he mutters, "God forsaken pirate."

I may be a pariah, but at least I'm not wanted... not yet anyway. I step into my condo and close the door behind me. Breathing deeply, I detect Mi's perfume. How am I going to explain this to her? I had anticipated blow back, but things are escalating beyond my expectation. Leaning against the wall, I rub my eyes... so tired.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and start. Turning quickly, I see Mi. She is dressed in a white gown, the necklace I gave her gracing the low neckline. Dark hair hangs freely, contrasting with her dress. But it is her eyes that capture me, deep eyes, full of understanding and pity.

Best to just deal with things. I take a deep breath to speak, but Mi puts her finger over my mouth.

"Shhh," she coos, taking my hand and leading me.

I'm too tired to resist. Mi leads me to the bathroom where a hot bath is prepared. She must have been watching the docking manifest for my arrival.

"I have to tell you something," I say.

Mi says nothing and smiles softly as she unfastens my robe's clasp and undoes the ties. I disrobe and slide into the bath, letting the hot water envelope me for several seconds. When I come up for air, I find Mi sitting at the tub's side. She is holding the PIE insignia that was on my coat.

Looking hard at the token, she says, "I'm not sorry you did it."

I blink water from my eyes. Of course she would know. News like this traveled faster than light speed.

"You heard?"

Mi nods, and wraps her arms around my neck, leaning her head against mine.

"I don't know what's going to happen next, Mi," I say, kissing her hand.

Whispering in my ear, she says, "I do."

I turn to look at her, surprised. Mi smiles coyly and drops my PIE insignia into the waste basket. Then she produces a communiqué.

"Your dishonorable discharge papers from PIE, delivered this morning by courier," Mi says, "And this, our eviction notice from the Emperor's Corner for 'unbecoming behavior'."

I should be troubled, but for some reason I'm not. Maybe reality has yet to catch up with me, but for the moment I find the absurdity hilarious. I look into Mi's eyes and can see we share the same thought...

"Yes, we can move back to Amamake."

I slide down into the tub again, Mi's giggling muffled by the water.

*** Multimedia Addendium ***

Eve-Online Forum Post

YouTube Video

1 comment:

  1. PIE will not be happy to find a full crew of her ships slaughtered by a duel between two of their officers. Why didn't you do it without crew in a frigate class vessel?

    Whatever, the music in Amamake is better anyway. And people don't deny us entry to a station just because we wear a dagger of honor. "No weapons allowed", bullshit. As if a dagger can do what my bare hands can't.
