Sunday, May 31, 2009

After Action Report: 2009-05-31 13:06:00

Once more unto the breach. After resting from the morning’s activity, I decided to head back out into the frontier lands. I didn’t have to wait long before I came across hostile activity. I found the plague on the Dal gate in Auga picking over the remains of a fallen brother. The heathen was flying an Amarr ship, a Prophecy! Rage welled up at the sight; I locked target and opened fired.

Whither by happenstance or plan, Peadar uncloaked in a Rapier Recon ship and engaged me. Outnumbered, my resolved hardened. I disengaged Plague and turned my guns on Peadar. The whining of pulse laser carronades rang in my ears, tearing into the Rapier's shields. Word seemed to have gotten out, and the pile-on began. Warg Matar appeared in a Rupture cruiser and attacked me.

Doom was upon me, but I wasn’t dead yet. I gritted my teeth and diverted all power into my weapon grid. The EVO Pike rained holy wrath upon Peadar. My pod fluid felt like it was boiling from the heat as I pushed my guns to their very limits. I let out a laugh as my Harbinger burst into flame around me and my pod ejected. As I warped away, saving my life, I grinned in satisfaction as I passed over the broken Rapier wreck floating next to my razed Harbinger hull.


After Action Report: 2009-05-31 10:11:00

The pod fluid seemed chilly this morning. I shook off the cold as I slid into my submerged seat and inhaled the thick liquid. Evil waits for no pilot, and there were reports in Amarr Militia comms that Minmatar attack parties were marauding about the boarder systems. This, of course, cannot stand. The familiar inertia pushed me back into my seat as my vessel accelerated out of station dock.

I ran my standard patrol from Amamake. There were minor contacts in Dal and Siseide, but the Minmatar frigates wisely evaded the EVO Pike. Minmatar coffin ships, they made the wise move by ceding the field when I arrived. Arrogance has no place in the holy Amarrian warrior, but it is difficult not to feel satisfaction when your enemies scatter at your approach. I jumped into Auga, feeling I would return home empty handed this trip. Still, I had shown the Amarr banner and made sure the Minmatar I encountered knew they had no claim to this constellation.

I came to a stop on the Dal gate in Auga to run a scan. Nothing. I set course for the Amamake gate, and home, when a Hound dropped out of warp on the gate only 1km from me. Instinctively, I canceled warp. 4th Domination wouldn’t engage, not a Stealth Bomber against a battlecruiser; he must just be passing through to Dal. I gave local a quick check for a hostile spike and decided to give the Hound an unfriendly send off. I locked target, expecting Dom to instantly jump.

He didn’t.

As the locking timer quickly approached zero, I stared at the Hound in disbelief. Then I understood. Dom had dropped out of warp just *outside* jump distance and had been decloaked by my proximity. I couldn’t help but chuckle at his misfortune, bubbles exiting my nostrils in the pod fluid, as Dom madly tried to approach the gate.

It was too late. I overheated my guns as the target locked and fired a carronade. 4th Domination learned why all the other rebel frigates had given me wide berth. The lasers tore through his shields, melted through the armor and sliced past his hull into critical systems. In a flash, with a single devastating pulse, I had left his ship a ruined bulkhead floating in space. The ferocity of my attack left Dom dazed and confused. I took the opportunity his hesitation provided, locked his pod, and claimed his life.

After scooping his loot, I fired the Hound wreck and patiently waited for the aggression timer to count down. It seems Dom really was alone, unfortunate bastard. Then I jumped back to Amamake, that godless system, my home. This morning was entertaining, at the very least.


Saturday, May 30, 2009

History of me

My beginnings. A couple RL friends suggested I try Eve about three years ago, and I was instantly hooked. I created my first toon, Ben’Garran, and soon realized that spending years training would suck hardcore. Being a reasonably creative problem solver, I discovered that it’s much faster to earn isk to buy an account than it is to train from scratch. So I created a couple miner accounts and ran to the biggest group of carebears I could find. Back in 2006, it was the Freelancer Alliance (FLA). Of all the fuzzies I’ve ever played with, they by far had the brightest rainbows. They gave Richard Simmons a run for his money on the “rainbow” front.

Rebirth. After a couple months of heavy crock mining with Galatech Ltd, I bought a combat toon by the name of Atomic Mayhem. This is where the game really started opening up. Here I was, a 3 month old player able to T2 fit battleships. While the character was awesome and I got more than my fair share of kills, I was roasted by the Burn Eden gangs that regularly marauded through FLA space without resistance. Those guys were awesome. But even getting my ass handed to me by such excellent tacticians was fun and I got to meet several infamous FLA leaders.

After awhile, I realized I wasn’t going to learn how to PvP in FLA. It was the case of the blind leading the blind. We heard loud bitching on the Eve-O forums about a group called the Privateer Alliance who were raining terror on carebears across Eve. They had war-dec’ed FLA and popped my hauler as it undocked from Jita… and laughed about in local. When I asked what to do in corp chat, people got mad at me for encouraging them with “easy kills.”

I was emotionally traumatized. I have the scars to this day… I knew right there and then, I wanted to join up!

Getting Aggressive. My friends and I left FLA, and I became CEO of Bottomfeeders Inc. We joined the PA for 50M/wk and started tearing things up with AF/cruiser/recon gangs. This was hella fun, and I quickly learned in weeks PvP skills I hadn’t seen in months of 0.0 combat. We also participated in targeted war-decs between tours in the PA, and it was during this time I met several long-time Eve friends... as targets. It wasn’t long before our targets had combat alts in Bottomfeeders (if only to keep tabs on us) and we burned, pillaged and raped. Good days, good days. Then the PA nerf was instituted by CCP, and an era came to a close. I decided I wanted to try my hand at 0.0 territory war.

Signing Up for War. I sold off Atomic Mayhem and upgraded to a new character, Scius. We met one of the founding members of KOS while in the PA, and he offered Bottomfeeders a place in Knights of the Southern Cross to help with the war effort. Scius was a capable Dread pilot and soon we found ourselves in KOS on the Tenferis southern front fighting RISE. I learned quite a bit about fleet warfare and roving gangs, but it was clear that KOS was full of farmers. Actually, the Chinese farmers, Tang Corp, often fielded similar firepower as KOS when repelling hostiles in local.

After awhile, our group wanted to move to a new challenge with a more aggressive group. To do this, we disbanded Bottomfeeders and joined FATAL. We did some cap warfare and larger gang stuff. Around this time, we met the STK folks during joint ops between FATAL and MPIRE. Unfortunately, life obligations forced me to cut back on my game time. I sold my character and did a bit of industrial stuff on the side. As a side note, the guy I sold Scius to was responsible for the whole “honor tanking” incident, not I.

The Return. My situation settled, and I was able to come back to Eve. By this time, I had built a sizable wallet building/trading/inventing and looked for a new toon. Eventually, I settled on Swatyy (pronounced “sway”). Shortly after purchasing Swatyy, I joined STK Scientific to fly with a few old-time Eve friends. Over the course of three short months, I shot into the top 10 on the All Time Killers and the All Time Scorer lists for the Blackout Alliance and a respectable kill/loss ratio less than 10:1. We had a number of excellent roams and solid fights.

After a few months with Blackout, Digital Renegades launched an assault on our outpost systems. They hit the high-end moon harvesting arrays and Blackout decided to vacate Paragon Soul, ultimately handing the system, and the fight, over to United Legion. STK, the Blackout executor corporation, unfortunately experienced a leadership vacuum that ultimately lead to Blackout’s disbandment.

With STK choosing to become an Empire resident, I decided to start a shell corporation (Evolving Paradigms) to participate in Faction Warfare. Over the last few months I have flown solo for the underdogs of Eve, the Amarr Militia. While out-gunned and outnumbered, I still inflicted heavy causalities on the opposition. I hope to continue cutting a bloody swath through space for the Amarr Militia.

After Action Report: 2009-05-30 12:28:00

There I was, dodging pirates in Amamake. They were out in force again, too many for me to handle alone. It’s lonely, you know, being a solo pilot in the war zone. My associates think I’m insane, not only because I fly alone on the front lines but because I live in Amamake. That pirate-infested and war torn system bereft of godliness or hope is the place I call home. It was hot today, and I found myself patrolling the HED constellation, a ring of 5 or so systems just inside the Minmatar Republic.

There wasn’t much happening; it was still early morning for the Minmatar. But then something caught my attention as I passed through Auga. My scanner was flashing. A Catalyst destroyer was detected. Narrowing the scan range, I warped to the nearest celestial object and dropped 50km from a war target. Dendar was perched above the Kourmonen gate, watching. Outside my effective range, I aligned to a planet behind Dendar and tried to align-warp. When I returned to the Kourmonen gate at 50km, I saw that the Catalyst was joined by an Ares interceptor piloted by Euterpe Ithairegolis. I was still 35km off my mark. Damnit!

Gallente freedom fighters seem to be flocking to the Minmatar cause. Godless heathens, the whole lot of them. I turned toward Dendar, who locked me and opened fire. Without an afterburner or MWD, I was forced to slowly close the distance under Dendar’s guns. I held my fire. Patience, I had to get into scram range before returning hostilities.

35km… Euterpe warped off… 30km… swaped to long-range Scorch crystals… 25km… my shields are gone, overheating disruptor… 20km… locked Dendar, just as Euterpe appeared 20km off my port bow!

The disruptor reached out and held Dendar as my first broadside collapsed his shields and deeply scarred his armor. Euterpe was closing range; I launched a wing of Warrior IIs and locked his interceptor. The second carronade of pulse lasers cut a fatal swath through Dendar’s hull, his ship becoming a pyre before the darkness of space claimed even that last spark of life.

At 5km, my scrambler and web seized Euterpe, shutting off his WMD and slowing him to a crawl. I could hear his scream across space as he realized his folly. He set his course too close, flying by at 500m. But now, scrammed and webbed, the safety of his speed stripped, my Warrior II drones bit into his hull. As he passed, I gauged his transversal velocity. The interceptor’s inerta was too great to complete his turn at 500m, and I knew Euterpe would have to tack to maintain his close orbit. Then I would have him.

Sure enough, Euterpe turned. Just as his transversal dropped, I fired a broadside. The tracking computer and tracking enhancer helped steady my guns, and Euterpe’s interceptor burst into flame before the cold of space claimed the charred wreck.

At that moment, local began to fill. They must have reported my location. I aligned to a planet and razed the interceptor wreck just as a Rook appeared on my overview. Then I was gone, in warp to a safe planet. I docked in Auga to repair my battle damage. I would prefer to destoy Minmatar, all things being equal, but it’s good that the Gallente know their interference will not be tolerated in Ammarian affairs.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Battle report for 2009-05-18 01:10:00

I set out on a solo patrol of the Hemitar-Amarr boarder systems, doing my part to bring light to the darkness. My intended targets were Minmatar insurgents, but pirates were out in force. At least Minmatar fight for a higher cause, misguided as it may be. But pirates, they live for carnage. I decided to take matters into my hands.

Amamake was infested with heathens, but they were loath to engage the EVO Pike. I piloted my battlecruiser into their ranks like a holy spear that shatters armor and rends flesh. There were several minor victories. I razed Astegue and Crewcifer in their pitiful Rifter frigates. Minmatar frigates seem more like coffins than space-worthy vessels, certainly inferior to Ammarian technology. I did manage to kill Maldin, flying for the Minmatar Republic. The poor soul was caught unaware with a scram/web combo. A mere two pulse laser cycles left his ship (if you can call it that) a pile of twisted metal floating in space.

It wasn’t until later in the day that I met a worthy opponent. Sharlae of Dark Solar Empire was lurking about in the asteroid belts in Amamake. I caught her on directional scan and decided to investigate. As I warped in on her location, I saw that she was not an outlaw. Of course, that doesn’t make her an innocent either. Sharlae was flying a Vagabond, the aptly-named Minmatar attack vessel that has given the Amarrian Navy so much trouble in the past. There are few reasons for a Heavy Assault Cruiser to visit low-sec asteroid belts, and ratting is generally not among them. I locked target and aligned toward the third planet. Holding my fire, I let her betray her intent.

She attacked.

Vagabonds are dangerous, and Sharlae was skilled. She swung out to half autocannon falloff and orbited with high velocity, recognizing the danger of close quarter engagement with an Amarrian Harbinger. Most other vessels would be overcome, but the EVO Pike was fit to handle small, fast moving targets. A tracking computer and tracking enhancer, paired with a web and warp scrambler make short work any “speed tank,” as they are called. While the web and scrambler were ineffectual, a cruiser burning a microwarp drive has a large signature. My pulse lasers burned into the slave-ship and warrior drones stung deep.

As Sharlae’s shields began to collapse, I knew she would try to use superior speed to disengage before I could lay the final blow. At this critical moment, I turned into her and overheated my guns and warp disruptor. Sure enough, I judged correctly. Sharlae pulled away, but it was too late. Her hull and armor collapsed before she could get clear, and I claimed the field. But it had not come without cost. The EVO Pike’s hull was deeply scared. I fired the wreck and set course to a logistics station to repair my battle damage.

Today was a good day. Glory to the Empress!


Saturday, May 16, 2009

After Action Report for 2009-05-16 23:43:00

The action earlier in the day left me hungry for retribution against the Minimatar horde. Comm chatter in Militia indicated rabbles were mulling about the boarder lands. I decided to make a solo incursion into Heimatar along the Bleak Land boarder.

People tell me that going solo is suicide, that any pilot, no matter how skilled, needs a squad to be effective. But I know better; I have faith. Not faith in the Empress, nor in God, because it is not needed. I have faith in the disciplined Amarrian intellect and blazing fury of superior firepower.

The first contact was made in Dal. General beanflicker made the mistake of taking shelter over a planet, ignorant of his peril until after righteous laser fire purged his uncleanliness.

Next, a Minmatar named Kazzzi baited me outside a station in Auga. He unwisely followed me under the station where he agressed and tried to bump me away. Pressed between the EVO Pike's hull and station, I took his bait... and his life! Let the waiting support fleet come! The twisted metal scrap Minmatar call a Stabber cruiser was laid bare by Amarrian laser fire. Even as I fired the wreck to prevent its recovery, Kazzzi's support fleet arrived. At first the station authorities wouldn't allow me to dock, citing my recent aggression. I resigned myself to my fate, but at the last minute they rightfully decided Minmatar blood was no reason to deny me docking privileges. Kazzzi's revenge will have to wait until another day.

On my way back to Amarrian space, I happened across Jasper Beamsalot along with a group of brethren by accident as we passed through Kourmonen. Gallente scum working for the Minmatar. He paid with his life.

A good patrol indeed!


2009-05-16 10:27:00, After Action Report

I was patroling theHeimatar boarder lands in my Harbinger battlecruiser, the EVO Pike, when a war target jumped from Auga into Dal, where I was sitting on the gate scanning. I waited. As the seconds ticked by, I knew that the hostile was communicating with a larger group. Single targets generally run or engage quickly when confronted with a battlecruiser.

My suspicion was confirmed when the target decloaked, revealing a Caracal cruiser, and burned back toward the gate slowly. I watched for a spike in local. A few war targets entered system. But was it the vanguard for an assault force or just normal system flux?

By now the Caracal was nearing the gate. The scenarios played out in my mind. If the local spike were the reinforcements, then it would be 4-1 in their favor. I can handle those odds. But if there were more in Auga waiting to jump into Dal, then things would get harry. Without enough tactical information, the situation reduced to a simple evaluation: are you willing to die for the Empire?

Fuck it.

A carronade of 7 T2 heavy pulse lasers focused by Amarr Navy crystals burned into the Caracal. The first volley collapsed the pitiful shield defenses. A second volley melted into Caldari Armor, a poor joke by Amarrian standards. It was the pilot's mad dash to activate the stargate that saved him from certain destruction. As he disappeared from local, the fleeing Caracal left only flames in space. But he had served his purpose.

Zinto Risingsun and Enos Delekore were the first to arrive on the scene, just as the Caracal fled. Now I understood my folly. Interceptors and nano-frigs, they were the front of a larger hunting party coming for me. I rolled the dice, betting the enemy was in Auga and that I could escape after I drove Caracal through the gate. Now my only hope was to destroy or dive off the vanguard before their fleet arrived.

Had it been a single target, I could have done it. Zinto learned the danger of straying too close to the EVO Pike when a web/scram/tracking computer combination nearly cost him his ship. If it hadn't been for his inertia that carred outside scram range, he would have fallen. But in the end, I would push one frigate out of warp disruptor range and the other would hold me down. Both frigs were deep in armor damage when 8 additional ships arrived, a mix of cruisers and battlecruisers, supported by logistics.

It was over, but Amarrian warriors don't fall easily. I chose the most expensive ship on field and opened fire. I poured holy wrath upon Yoshikawa Eveangelicon, who was piloting an Oneiros logistics cruiser. The aroma of burning pod fluid filled my nostrils, in part from the fleet hammering on my hull and in part from my weapons critically overheating. As my pod ejected from the EVO Pike's razed hull, I had the satisfaction of seeing Yoshi's destoryed Oneirose burning in space as I escaped with my clone intact.

Glory to the Empress!
