Sunday, May 31, 2009

After Action Report: 2009-05-31 13:06:00

Once more unto the breach. After resting from the morning’s activity, I decided to head back out into the frontier lands. I didn’t have to wait long before I came across hostile activity. I found the plague on the Dal gate in Auga picking over the remains of a fallen brother. The heathen was flying an Amarr ship, a Prophecy! Rage welled up at the sight; I locked target and opened fired.

Whither by happenstance or plan, Peadar uncloaked in a Rapier Recon ship and engaged me. Outnumbered, my resolved hardened. I disengaged Plague and turned my guns on Peadar. The whining of pulse laser carronades rang in my ears, tearing into the Rapier's shields. Word seemed to have gotten out, and the pile-on began. Warg Matar appeared in a Rupture cruiser and attacked me.

Doom was upon me, but I wasn’t dead yet. I gritted my teeth and diverted all power into my weapon grid. The EVO Pike rained holy wrath upon Peadar. My pod fluid felt like it was boiling from the heat as I pushed my guns to their very limits. I let out a laugh as my Harbinger burst into flame around me and my pod ejected. As I warped away, saving my life, I grinned in satisfaction as I passed over the broken Rapier wreck floating next to my razed Harbinger hull.



  1. Doom was upon you the day you started taking minmatar slaves friend amarr. But boiling pod fluid was indeed a good idea. Pray that I do not catch your pod as well next time.

  2. I really enjoyed reading this and am going to book mark for future refrence and engagements!!
    love plague
